We've got good news to you!
After all, who is Jesus?
Sometimes it becomes very difficult to explain who Jesus is. In the environments we live in today, we are bombarded with a lot of information, concepts and opinions that end up shaping our thinking towards an infinite number of things that have nothing to do with the simplicity of who Jesus really is.
To begin with, Jesus is the Beloved Son of God. It is the point where we can see the divine walking among us, in the flesh to fulfill God's plan to redeem the world from the sin that had kept us from the resting place where we were made to live.
His role here on Earth was to glorify the Father, so that he would fulfill the law, overcome death and free everyone from sin, darkness and the empire of death forever. And so he did. His mercy was so great that even though it cost him his life, he decided to give himself up completely. Jesus was among us and, having defeated death by resurrecting, conquered with his life the free access we have to the Father.
He gave us the best gift we have ever received, he presented us with an extravagant love, unlike anything we knew. It showed itself as the way, truth and life. And he instructed us to follow his example so that, in the same way, we can serve and love the world, allowing those who do not yet know the abundant love of God to have a real encounter with the divinity of a close God.
More than a religion, a concept or a doutrine
The love moves and walks with us
Simples like this, is Jesus
Jesus cares about you
It is very common to disqualify yourself from God's love because of your history, failures and mistakes. But know that Christ is not intimidated by sin, he wants to have you close, exactly how and where you are now. He gave himself completely to rescue you and to open the way to have a relationship with you and nothing, nor anyone, can take you from that place.
Going deeper, the Bible says that nothing in all creation could separate you from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. All you need is to believe and accept gracious forgiveness. Jesus can free you from guilt and all condemnation to offer you a full, victorious and abundant life.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16
A new beginning
God's plan for our lives through Jesus was Salvation. More than receiving rest and care from God, we have been given the right to become part of God's family and have been freely gifted with a blessed inheritance.
This is a conscious decision we make to set aside the way we have been living and turn to Jesus, asking Him to forgive us and grant us new life through Him.
Romans 10:9 says that “if with your mouth you confess Jesus as Lord and in your heart believe that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” In this way, you are accepted once and for all as a beloved child, equally with Jesus, and are empowered to live a total and full life, with the purpose of reflecting God's love and Jesus' sacrifice to the world.
Salvation is a free gift from God to become His children. Therefore, if you know today that you need Jesus in your life, our invitation is for you to choose to walk with him, to be restored and transformed. Say this prayer and give your life to Jesus right now.
Salvation prayer
Talk with God this way:
“Jesus, I give you my life. It makes me a new person. Today I decide to follow you and make you my Lord and Savior. Thank you for your Spirit that lives in me.”
If you said this prayer, we want to celebrate this moment with you! Fill in your details below and come be part of our family.
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The bigger public mark in life of the christian is the baptism in waters.

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Faith comes by hearing. So, listen to these messages that will build you up.

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